Challenges faced by Parents with children on the Autism Spectrum: Special Feature #4
"Autism doesn’t come with a manual it comes with parents who never give up." – Author Unknown Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face several challenges that are unique to their situation.
Everton Park Hosts Job & Education Fair
The gates of Everton Park were open to the community as it hosted its inaugural Job and Education Fair on Monday, April 10, 2023. The Fair was a collaborative effort by the Women’s Ministries and Education Departments, and was geared at bringing sought after services to the Parks Road community and its environs.
How to Tell if a Child has Autism: Special Feature #3
"It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child with autism to raise the consciousness of the village." - COACH ELAINE HALL Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), affects a child's in different ways ranging from social interaction, communication, behavior, and interests , to name a few.
How to interact with Children on the Autism Spectrum : Special Feature #2
Interacting with children on the autism spectrum can be a unique and rewarding experience. However, it requires a different approach than interacting with children who are not on the spectrum.
A Marcher Keeps In Step with the Mission of Pathfindering
From the age of 3, Meshach Williams discovered his steps, moving his feet in sync with the pathfinders and officers he grew up around, his closest example being his mother, Roxan Chance Williams, a drill instructor.
At Camp, Pathfinders Are on a Mission
With thousands of pathfinders settling into camp life in Trelawny, Jamaica, before Inter-America’s 5th Pathfinder Camporee officially starts, many are on a mission to accomplish something.