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President's Pulse September 17, 2022

Our church in East Jamaica has been blessed with lay persons who have, over the years, provided spiritual leadership in Evangelism and Church Administration. I praise God for all our lay workers and supportive ministries such as ASI, Lay Association, Health Volunteers, Elders Association, and Youth Federation, to name a few. Thank you, lay leaders!

East Jamaica Conference| Dr. Meric Walker

Greetings, My Fellow Believers,
Our church in East Jamaica has been blessed with lay persons who have, over the years, provided spiritual leadership in Evangelism and Church Administration. I praise God for all our lay workers and supportive ministries such as ASI, Lay Association, Health Volunteers, Elders Association, and Youth Federation, to name a few. Thank you, lay leaders!

Celebrating and Affirming the Laity    
We must all unite as laity and denominationally engaged workers pressing together to finish God’s work. “I have heard the angel voice saying, 'Press together, press together, press together.” Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 374. This Sabbath afternoon, September 17, at the Morant Bay Church, we celebrate and award our lay persons of St. Thomas for their outstanding services in various ministries.


Elder Phillip Edward Lee Castell 
Elder Phillip Castell, 12 years ago, as a faithful lay worker, was asked by the EJC Constituency to leave his job and serve in the leadership capacities of Communications, Public Affairs, and Religious Liberty Director.


He has performed with proficiency and distinction, demonstrating ministerial commitment, and is pursuing his Master's Degree in Pastoral Theology (MPTh) at the Inter-American Division Theological Seminary. He was recently voted a Commissioned Minister Credential to function with the rights appertaining to such credential and will function as an Associate Pastor. Congratulations, Pastor and to your wife of 31 years, Dr. Yvette Castell.

Pastors and Laity Preach the Word 
We are called to preach the word as pastors and lay preachers. The Advent message is prophetically clear as it is. No paddings, please. Do not get carried away. Do not go off on a tangent of personal views and innuendoes being swayed by the crowd and the privilege of the pulpit. Be responsible. Do not preach without wisdom.

Global Pathfinders’ Day
I wish you all a happy Sabbath as we celebrate Global Pathfinders' Day. Youth Leaders, thank you for your tremendous work in training and empowering those you lead.
Meric Dale Walker

East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Comment Guidelines: